Monday 1 January 2018

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year to all the readers of The Barnet Eye. Bruno the dog are chillin and listening to some great traxs as we write this. We thought we'd share them with you.

Have you made a new years resolution? I've made a few.

Here they are.

1. Get my weight down from 17st 3 lbs to 14 stone by this time next year. I got into a very bad habit of eating too many pies for lunch. This will change. It already has!

2. Many people are going to stop boozing for January. I think this is a stupid concept. I have a far better one. I am going to have three non drinking days a week. This will add up to 156 days in 2018.

3. I am going to write the best song of my songwriting career! I feel that The False Dots are in a rich vein of form, so this should happen.

4. I am going to complete one of the five books I've been writing for the last two years.

5. I am going to make a follow up film to "A Tale of Two Barnets" and "Barnet - The Billion Pound Gamble".  When we made those films, we were trying to put a message across and no one (in Barnet Council listened). I am going to take to the streets with my camera and ask "Was I right?"

6. Get elected in the 2018 Council Elections in Mill Hill ward with Richard and Donna!

7. I am going to bore you all solid detailing the progress on the above resolutions throughout the year using the medium of this blog.

I hope you have a great year. Me? I'm off to take Bruno off for his walkies!

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