Sunday 25 June 2023

The Mill Hill Music Festival Diary - Day six

 The week has flown by. All of our events have exceeded our expectations and most were complete sell outs. The music at all has been amazing all week, as I hope the clips posted here have demonstrated.

Yesterday was a busy day for me. It was an early start to get the gear off the van from Friday night's gig at the Golf club. I took the van to the studios and got the boys to unload, whilst I manned the front desk, I'd done enough lifting. We left the stageing panels on the van as they were needed for the final night at Hartley Hall. I had much running around to do, not least as we hired a PA system to St Pauls School on the Ridgeway, for their Fete (which was most successful on a beautiful day). 

At 4.30, I dropped off the stageing and then nipped to St Pauls to collect the PA after the fete. Then back to Hartley Hall to complete final preparations. I don't have too much input as the only PA requirements is for an announcements mic, which uses the in house PA. There was however drinks etc to drop off, banners to be put up etc.

The final night was the BBC Elstree Concert Band. As my missus plays clarinet with them, we have a family connection. They are wonderful players. Everyone knows I'm a musician, but Clare is far the better player, having reached Grade 8 on the clarinet and having played with the band for over 30 years, she has a huge experience of gigging in some of the most wonderful venues in London and abroad.

Bang on 7.30 the band kicked off with a rousing version of the theme tune to Thunderbirds.

It was a wonderful selection, with music from Bond films, the Avengers and a tribute to Bert Bacharach, amongst the highlights. The show finished at 9.45. We broke down the stage, packed the chairs, washed the glasses and were having a pint in the Services club at 10.15. 

This morning, I dropped the van and the staging back and that is me done for another year, apart from writing this blog!

Thanks to Paul and Mary at Kitchens with Elegance for the van, Mill Hill Wines for the box office, Hartley Hall, Frith Manor School, St Pauls Church, The Adam and Eve Pub and  Finchley Nurseries for hosting the festival, thanks to all of our committee and helpers for there efforts as well as the staff at Mill Hill Music Complex, who also put themselves out no end to ensure the festival is a success. 

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