Tuesday 4 June 2024

#ITVDebate - Lord help us, they are both useless

 I've just watched the #ITVDebate with my missus. We are both horrified. The pair of them were completely useless. In short, the whole thing was embarrassing. The host was completely ineffective, allowing both to constantly interrupt each other, Sunak was particularly bad at this. For some reason, they were only allowed 45 seconds to answer a question. For several questions, this was nowhere near long enough, although for others it seemed far too long. 

The difficult truth is that one of these men will be the next Prime Minister. I couldn't really see any knockout blows. I doubt anyone changed anyones mind, which clearly favours Starmer. They both talked about their "plan". Oddly neither really used the opportunity to say what their plan was. I'm none the wiser.

Rishi Sunak seems to think that saying Labour will put up everyones taxes by £2,000 is a winner. I suspect that he'll have to do a lot better. A couple of observations. Rishi Sunak clearly seems to be used to talking across people. At the end Sunak said "Lower taxes, protected pensions". In short, he's putting the house on the OAP's of the UK. Starmer doesn't seem to be quite so sure who his main target audience is. 

One thing I guess I now know. Whoever the pair are trying to appeal to, it isn't me!

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