Thursday 18 July 2024

Why do these clowns feel the need to knock London?

This wasn't the blog I was supposed to write. I was out and about in town, seeing friends for lunch. I was going to write a nice blog about catching up with friends and the joys and tears of finding out what has happened to your mates that you've not seen since before lockdown. But...

I really shouldn't let idiots annoy me as much as they do, but there are three types of people that annoy me more than anything and they are liars, charlotans and ignorant idiots who shout out views that are completely unsustainable and dishonest. Unfortunately, in the last day, two of these have managed to set my blood boiling. The first was Mr JD Vance, the man chosen by Donald Trump to be his running mate in the Election. He made some very inflammatory remarks about the state of London, the UK and it's Muslim population. This was followed by dodgy actor tiunred wannabe politician Laurence Fox, who tweeted that the only thing unislamic about London was the architecture and stating how glad he was to have moved (I am not going to give his views oxygen, you can find them if you are interested). 

What annoys me most about these statements is that they are complete tosh. By chance yesterday, I'd planned to meet friends at the Artillery Arms, near Barbican and Moorgate for a boozy lunch (not the most Islamic of ways to spend a day off). Unfortunately, I've had the pleasure of sharing oxygen with Laurence Fox. A couple of years ago we had a family dinner at a restaurant on a boat in Paddington basin. Fox was there with a few of his right wing mates. They all drank copiously (I'm not criticising them for that, so did we) and then talked as loudly as they could so we could all enjoy their views. I found it highly inconsiderate as none of us were the least bit interested. They very much had the air of people who thought they were very important. Fortunately I underwent anger management counselling thirty yers ago so I managed to quell my urge to shut them up. Live and let live. If people want to shout nonsense loudly, how can I, as a singer in a punk rock band really object. but.....

What always surprises me when I go into London is the fact that it is such a great city and there are so many places that are amazing. The city has some lovely spots and great bars, pubs, restaurants and music venues. Unlike Mr Fox, I am glad we have a muslim population. They gives us our wonderful Indian and Turkish restaurants in Mill Hill. I had a kebab last night from the wonderful Mr Coban in Station Road. I'm not stupid, I know that a small number of  people of Islamic heritage do not want to assimilate and some of these hold extreme views. However, every community has extremists amongst them and plenty of ex pat communities in the UK retain their cultural identity. My Irish and Italian mates are more than proud of their heritage. What makes London special is that we make it work and we all benefit. I genuinely feel that what really irritates the blinkered haters is that London is such a great place. For me, the assimilation of different cultures and styles gives us things such as the UK Ska and Reggae scene, Lovers Rock etc. It means that Mr Chowdry serves me a curry and a pint when I am hungry. It means that if I want a beigel with smoked salmon their is a great Jewish deli on the High Street. I'm not blind to the problems in London. It is busy, can be smelly and sometimes transport doesn't work. But this is true of any successful city. London has the problems because people want to live here. If I am in a part of London where I am in a cultural minority, I've never felt threatened, beyond the feeling I may get when I walk into a dodgy looking boozer in another part of town, where the residents are of the same cultural background as me, and are suspicious of someone who is not a local.

If people don't like London, live somewhere else and leave us in peace. There are plenty of places in the UK that are lovely. My brother lives in North Somerset near Bristol. It is lovely, peaceful and quiet. I love a visit but it is far too quiet for me. My Sister lives in Essex, by the sea. It is also lovely, but again I'd hate to live there. Horses for courses. People who don't know London, often don't appreciate it and don't know the good bits. I've made it my mission in life to discover the good bits. That's why I write the London Symphonies series on this blog.

After hearing Vance's comments, I too a few pics of the walk from Farringdon to The Artillery Arms. Here's the route

Farringdon to The Artillery Arms (pic courtesy Google)

I did this walk every day for four years, it was the quickest route to my old office in Chiswell Street. This is the London I know and love. It is the one that these London knockers are seemingly ignorant of. If you want to slag off our city, first get to know it. 

Free micro library on Charterhouse Lane

Shady gazebo in Charterhouse Square

A few historical notes in Charterhouse Square

Charterhouse Square

The Sutton Arms

The Shakespeare pub - Brutalist but good beer

The Barbican

City of London Information

The Welsh Presbeterian Church on Fann St

Memorial to the Hugenots on Fann St

Fortune Street Park with the Barbican as a backdrop

Fortune St Park Mural

Fortune St Coffee bar with an inspirational quote

Fortune St Park community noticeboard

Ladies of a certain age enjoy the sunshine in Fortune St Park

Memorial Bench in Fortune St Park

Fortune St street food market

The Artillery Arms


The Artillery Arms inside

The Artillery Arms Bar

Smithfield Market on the way home!

Does this look like a the City that JD Vance and Laurence Fox are talking about? Old ladies chatting in the sun, pubs, greenspace? This was just what I snapped on my way from Farringdon to the pub. I walked this walk every day. The Barbican and it's environs are part of a very large council estate. This is the real London you never see in the news, on reactionary twitter feeds, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of nostalgia, I write songs about the good times we used to have. But the truth is that I love our city as much today as I ever have done. The problem with our city is not the residents. It is the fact that there are too many greedy, vested interested all taking a slice and giving nothing back. Here's a song I wrote a while back, where I talk about the 'good old days and why it's gone wrong' , please have a listen.

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