Some people pay a therapist, I write a blog! I don’t know which works better, but I do know which is cheaper. If you want to become better, you need to understand the problem. So here are my weaknesses, in black and white, as I see them. Well my top ten.
1. I hang on to things and people that I should let go. I think I’m too loyal to people who don’t deserve loyalty, and too attached to things that are passed their use by dates. I will always find a reason or a justification to keep going, but events of this year have forced me to confront the fact that some people don’t deserve your friendship or loyalty. The realisation of this made me review my general outlook on life. I realise I have a stubbornness to let go of things.
2. I am overly fond of alcohol. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t drink all the time, I have more alcohol free days yhsn drinking days, but I associate alcohol with fun, so I see these days as Catholic penance to be endured. I look forward to my drinking days in a rather unhealthy way.
3. I take people who love me for granted. i suspect my mentality towards relationships is based on being in public football teams. You join the team, you do your all for the team, but you get no thanks for your efforts, the payback is being part of the team. I should be more appreciate.
4. I am personally reckless. I have no regard for my own personal safety and take stupid risks, always believing ‘it will be fine’. It always has.
5. I regard spare cash as ‘beer tokens’. I am not bad with money, in fact I’ve done well financially, but this is because I organise myself. However, the spare cash I have, I just see as money to be frittered away. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I always feel that spare cash is burning a hole in my pocket. The trouble is, I can’t think of a sound reason to be more sensible with it.
6. I judge people too quickly. It takes me one second to make my mind up about someone and ten years to change it. I’m usually a pretty good judge of character but I do get it wrong.
7. I can dislike people for irrational reasons. The number of times I’ve thought ‘if he likes that band, he’s an idiot’ or ‘if he supports that team he must be a twat’ only to end up best mates with them are numerous and I should’ve learned.
8. I find it difficult to respect people who form opinions about serious matters without doing their homework on the subject. I have friends who I actively avoid because they spout uninformed bollox. I should be more tolerant.
9. I harbour grudges. I should let things go, but I have a passionate desire to get even, if I believe someone has done me wrong. The only brake on this destructive behaviour is that I know a revenge is only worth having if you get away with it. I should move on.
10. I make too many lists!
Have a great weekend
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