Friday 18 September 2009

And now Barnet's biggest Oik has something to celebrate !!!!

Having just completed a blog on how I celebrate things, I was going to switch off the laptop and go for a curry and a beer with my most beloved. Then a little voice in my head said "Check Vicki57's blog". Now I always listen to those little voices in my head (unless they tell me to do naughty things, such as bomb Iraq, which is what the little voice in George Bush's head told him to do, but that's another blog, another day).

Anyway, off I toddled and Lo and behold - Vicki made my day. Yvonne Hossacks, the lawyer who was up before a solicitors disciplinary panel for doing too good a job in opposing Sheltered Housing Warden cuts, won. A sorry conglomeration of Local Authorities, had presumably used taxpayers money to launch a complaint against her. Now I think that council leaders who launch such cases should be surcharged. It seems pretty clear to me that the complaint was clearly politically motivated, as Ms Hossacks was opposing a very partisan and ideologically motivated policy.

I don't know if Barnet was one of the Councils which participated in the complaint. I intend to find out. Maybe the district auditor should have a look and see if I'm right and this was clearly a waste of cash. I really don't know what Council's are and aren't allowed to spend money on, but I'd be amazed if launching complaints against solicitors is something anyone expects them to be involved in. If Barnet wasn't, but you live under a Council that did participate, I'd suggest you ask the district auditor to take a peek.

I salute the likes of Yvonne Hossacks. I will most certainly sink a nice cool glass of Kingfisher beer in her honour tonight. I might even have two, following the legal ruling earlier this week, instigated by Yvonne, that Barnet must stop getting rid of Wardens until there's been a judical review. I make that 3-0 to the Oiks against the powers of darkness in the last week or so.

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