Thursday 17 September 2009

Brian Coleman and a very fishy tale !

Not everything Tory is bad. As a small businessman, there are aspects of their policies which are far more sympathetic than the Labour party. Although I'm a big Ken Livingstone fan, I've got to confess that the dispute between the LDA and the small businesses on the Olympic site was one where I thought Ken was wrong. Companies that provide employment, some for generations, deserved better. How do you value the history of a company? One firm which I had much sympathy for was Forman's Fish - a firm specialisising in smoking of fish. They had a long wrangle with Ken to get decent terms. I suspect that many people felt the same and this was one reason many people felt Boris may be a change for the better. Forman's has moved 150 yards away, has a super location overlooking the River Lea and the site of the Olympics.

Here's what Formans say about themselves :-

H. Forman & Sons

Is a 4th generation family owned salmon smoker, established in the East End in 1905. They employ 90 staff who supply smoked and fresh fish to top hotels, restaurants, chefs and retailers including Gordon Ramsay, Marco Pierre White, Fortnum & Mason, The Dorchester and The House of Lords amongst others and also export across the globe.

They've also opened a fish restaurant on the site which looks absolutely excellent. I hope that they go from success to success.

You may ask what all this has to do with Brian Coleman? Well as you know, we here at the Barnet Eye like to keep a close eye on the gifts and hospitality which our local GLA rep, Brian Coleman has been getting, via his entry on the GLA website. Well it seems that lucky old Brian has been given a side of Smoked Salmon as his latest gift by the boss of Formans. This is his 99th entry on the register, far in excess of the rest of the GLA members - I wonder what will be the lucky 100th? I rather hope it's something special. Brian deserves it, he's had a rough time of late. Maybe his luck may be turning, one of his harshest critics seems to be mellowing although the Local and National press seem to be as "howwid" as ever.

My thoughts on this gift? Lucky old Brian, I'd rather like one myself. I'm rather partial to a smoked salmon bagel of a morning.

1 comment:

  1. Rog

    When BC abstained from drink, he used to donate any bottles he received to worthy causes to be used as raffle prizes. Given he can afford to buy as much smoked salmon as he wants, it would be nice to hope that he gave away his gift to a deserving family struggling to make ends meet because of the recession and rising council tax.


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