Thursday 17 September 2009

When you know you've lost the plot

Don't Call Me Dave, Barnet's most sensible Tory, is on tip top form today on his blog. He details how the High Court has pulled the plug on Barnet's dangerous and spiteful scheme to get rid of wardens at sheltered housing establishments in the Borough. This scheme is the brainchild of leader Mike Freer, who is happy to spend millions on "consultants" to dream up blue sky scheme's but can't see that Sheltered housing wardens are more important than huge allowances for him and his mates (the saving is far less than the amount they get in allowances etc). Click here to read the full blog.

David sums it up pretty well, I urge you to read his blog. The only thing I can really add to Davids comments is this. I met David Young, the guy who launched the legal challenge in Barnet. He may be 78, but he's articulate and formidable. As we discussed the situation, I realised that if Barnet's Tories, Mike Freer and Barnet have chosen to go to war with someone like David, they really have lost the plot.

I wish David Young every success. I hope he saves Barnet Council and Mike Freer from their own stupidity with his challenge

Updates 23:42 - Thanks to Paul for pointing out the dodgy link


  1. Love your blog and what you do. Please keep after these arrogant bastards. All the best from the wrong side of the Barnet tracks (Burnt Oak).......

  2. (I think you've linked t the wrong blog?)

  3. Jim

    How right you are. Seems like a case of pot calling kettle when it comes to losing the plot


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