Tuesday 22 September 2009

Brian Coleman is at it again !

Today Brian Coleman is reported in the Haringey Independent as saying the following, regarding a visit to the Borough by Kriss Akabusi

“Haringey should be worrying about getting its children’s services sorted in light of the Baby P debacle, not paying ex-Record Breakers presenters to make them feel good about themselves.”
The paper comments on Mr Coleman's statement.

The attack on “profligate councils”, who he says are wasting hard earned taxpayers' money, is surprising coming from Mr Coleman, who has himself been embroiled in several scandals surrounding his expenses claims.

He was roundly condemned last year for claiming more than £4,000 in taxi fares for a nine month period, and came under further fire this year after racking up a £396 bill for one taxi ride because he kept the cab waiting outside for five hours.

I couldn't have put it better myself.

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