Tuesday 22 September 2009

Matthew Offord - Barnet's very own Rodney Trotter

Conservative Councillor Matthew Offord is well know for his witty ripostes and fantastic comedic timing. I've long suspected that he has an encyclopedic knowledge of classic British comedy series. I also rather suspect that the inspiration for his politcal career is none other than Rodney Trotter. The Edgware Press is full of stories this week of NO GO areas in the Borough. There's this story of how Pizza delivery services and mini cabs are blacklisting some areas. Then there's this story about how a councillor describes the dangers of certain areas, comparing it unfavourably with lawless tribal areas of Pakistan.

Councillor Matthew Offord is the Borough safety Officer (full title Cabinet Member responsible for Community Safety and Community Engagement). He's the bloke who gets paid a massive allowance of Thousands of Pounds to ensure that we all can walk the streets safely at night, order a Pizza in peace or call a cab and have one turn up. Now to give Matthew his due, he has been busy ensuring that we are protected from harm. He's set up a whole new scheme to ensure the safety of Barnet residents.

You can either read all about it by CLICKING HERE or you can let me tell you all about it. You see Matthew Offord is leading the fight against Tanning Salons. Whilst residents of the borough are effectively excluded from services the rest of us (especially Matthews mates in gated homes in leafy Totteridge) take for granted, Matthew thinks the most dangerous thing in Barnet is a bunch of Sunbeds. To quote Matthews press release :-

The change in policy was made by Councillor Matthew Offord through a delegated powers report this week and means that all premises with sunbeds will have to pay a higher licence fee and will be inspected twice a year instead of once.
I read this with disbelief. Will you be sleeping more soundly knowing that a bloke from the Council will be visiting your local tanning parlour twice a year, rather than once? It's just a shame that all of the pensioners in the areas blacklisted by the cab firms can't actually get down to the tanning parlour.

When I read the report, and realised what's important to Matthew, I could only think of how Del Boy would have addressed Rodney - "You Plonker"

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