Wednesday 23 September 2009

Chas and Dave - What a nightmare

Gercha - I bet you thought this would be eulogy to Britian's Greatest beardies. Nope, it's a bout the duo who could theoretically be running the Country this time next year. Firstly Chas. Now his mum Liz is someone who even republicans such as me admit does a great job. She's admired across the world and the likes of Nelson Mandela look up to her. Sadly her son is a different bucket of halibut. Lets face it, he doesn't look like a king does he. He's known for deeply reactionary views and potty habits. His idea of talking dirty is "I want to be your tampon". Lord help us. Maybe he'll shape up and grow into the job, but I suspect he'll make us realise just how out of date the monarchy is.

Then there's Dave. He's the Tory who wants to be a Lib Dem. I suspect he'll win, but having had 10 years of Tony, do we really want another Chamaleon running the country? I actually think he's a decent bloke on a personal level, but nothing he's said or done has convinced me he's anything other than lucky that his opponent will be Gordon Brown.

Personally, i'd rather have the Cocknety crooners anyday.

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