Sunday 13 September 2009

The most disgusting, repulse product advert ever - Virgiseal

Thanks to my friend Caroline Gold for bringing this to my attention. I saw this advert and felt physically sick.

Here are a couple of extracts from the website of this repulsive company and their repulsive product.

In just fraction of Hymenoplasty ( virginity restoration or revirgination ) surgical operation , no interruption in your sex life, At VIRGISEAL, we believe that every woman has the right to be comfortable with their own body and appearance. In some religion, cultures the concept of an intact hymen is highly valued at marriage and virginity is linked to bridal purity and family honor.more information

Some women in Europe, India, Japan, Korea, North Africa and Islamic countries like Kuwait, Iran, Iraq , UAE etc.. undergo hymenoplasty surgery, for restoration of their hymen where there are a lot of risk involved.

As Europe's Muslim population grows, many young Muslim women are caught between the freedoms that European society affords and the deep-rooted traditions of their parents® and grandparents® generations

'In my culture, not to be a virgin is to be dirt," said the student, perched on a hospital bed as she awaited surgery. "Right now, virginity is more important to me than life - Sara ( South Korea )'
What troubles me is that this advert gives legitemacy to a barbaric process and a vile practise. Let's be totally clear on one thing, female circumcision is NOT PROSCRIBED BY THE KORAN. The whole concept of this product is one that is totally abhorrant to me. I've no objection to a woman wishing to be a virgin at marriage. That is her choice. The idea that her parents have a veto over her life choices is revolting. The concept that she is devalued by having had sex is also a horrible ideology. When people get married, honesty has to be a part of the contract. This company is based in Switzerland. For a European company to promote all of this is sickening. The idea that shareholders of this company are cashing in on such repulsive traditions sickens me.



  2. If Hymenoplasty is to be done then complete revirgination should also be done.Such doctors dont know how to do revirgination therefore they say that do hymenoplasty done only.


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