Sunday 13 September 2009

Yvonne Hosssacks needs your support

Solicitor Yvonne Hossacks is being taken to court by several councils who want her struck off for trying to save the wardens. The reasons are

1) Improperly encouraging clients to court politicians and media
2) Not acting in the client’s best interests
3) Making too many time consuming and costly applications to the councils

All ridiculous, I hope you agree!

The Tribunal is on the 14th, 15th and 16th September at 3rd Floor, Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street EC4M 7NS.

There will be a protest at the court to support Yvonne each morning from 9-9.30am to let the court know how much we appreciate what she is doing for us.

Let me tell you something very important. Whatever I've done, what Yvonne does is a million times more important. Having sat in a Standards hearing listening to my reputation being trashed by a top lawyer, I can empathise with Yvonne Hossacks. The difference was that I won't be deprived of my livelyhood, it was just unpleasant. I've been too wrapped up in my own little world this week to give any thought to Yvonne (shame on me). I came out of the hearing feeling fairly battered and bruised and thinking "maybe everyone thinks I'm a dickhead" as bad things were said that I was not allowed to refute. Then the phone started ringing, then the texts started arriving and then I read the emails & the blogs.

All of that made me realise I was right to take on Coleman. That is why it is so important we support Yvonne, we need the strength of our friends to sustain us. She deserves support a million times more than I did.

Oh and a hat tip to Vicki Morris. I'm tired and braindead right now. This blog is largely just a reprint of her blog today. My brain is too shot to really write anything very creative about this. Thanks to Vicki and apologies to you.

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