Friday 18 September 2009

An open invitation to Mike Freer - Leader of Barnet Council

Dear Councillor Freer,

As I'm sure you are aware, much as you dislike this blog, it is probably the most read Barnet blog. We've had links from the BBC and National newspapers and we get tens of thousands of hits. Whatever you think of The Barnet Eye, people read this blog and visit it repeatedly.

Next week the Cricklewood Regeneration plan is being discussed. I cannot see what benefit this proposal will give to the people who elected the Conservative administration. I believe it will cause traffic gridlock and will overload the local infrastructure. If you send me an email explaining exactly how this proposal will benefit the people who voted for you and pay your allowances, I will post it here, unedited and without comment from me.

If you really believe it is a great idea, please share your thoughts with us. It won't cost you a penny and it will give you a chance to address your critics.

Mrs Thatcher used to deride her critics as "Frit" when they refused to engage. Here's your chance to prove that you are not scared to make your case in an open honest forum. Unlike mailshots etc, it won't cost you or me a penny of taxpayers money.

Yours Faithfully,

Rog T

The Barnet Eye

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