Thursday 19 November 2009

Brent Cross planning permission granted

By John Cox

Brent Cross Cricklewood was passed by Barnet Council tonight.
Pressure is now on Boris to reject it (unlikely!) and the Sec. of State to call it in.

Did several lobbying sets of leaflets to all councillors, and spoke to committee yesterday.
Several accepted that approval would mean no light rail ever through Brent Cross. Developer said today to the committee that "light-rail was still possible". (His speech lasted the twenty minutes allowed to the second. That's rehearsal for you.)

There were several mentions of light-rail today. It was agreed to add an informatory to the approval that "the light-rail people" would be consulted by the on-going transport working parties (three-letter acronyms that I have forgotten). 

We will fight to overturn approval entirely, but also start a damage limitation exercise so that ON-ROAD light-rail might be possible in the years ahead. Seven-and-a-half hours of committee meetings in two days!


John Cox is a campaigner against the Brent Cross redevelopment scheme and has been actively lobbying for the Brent Cross Light Rail Scheme.

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