Thursday 19 November 2009

First Crapital Conmen - Your chance to tell them what you think

As ever the primary purpose of The Barnet Eye is to tell all you lovely people out there how to get your message over. Well, our favourite train operator, that one which is run by a bloke who lives in a Castle in Scotland and gets the best part of a Million quid a year in "compensation" for his efforts and exertions are having two "meet the manager" forums where you can tell them what a great service they run. I doubt Mr Moir Lockheart will honour us with his presence, but you never know. CLICK HERE FOR FULL DETAILS

These sessions are your chance to let them know what you think of the company. Just remember, whilst we've all struggled to get in and out, they are actually making more profits (bigger bonuses for Lockheart) as they've not been paying drivers any overtime. Who carries the can? The passengers.

You may ask why they brought in an emergency timetable? Well this means they have to pay less compensation because it only applies to timetabled trains. Kerrrr-Ching !!!!!!

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