Friday 27 November 2009

David Cameron : Q&A in Hendon (or Finchley as Mike Freer likes to call it)

Here's what David Cameron had to say at his Q&A session in Hendon recently. It's quite an interesting Q&A. A few points, I agree with his views on the BNP (about 7.50). I disagree with what he said (at 09:20) about his dodgy right wing mates. To me, I don't think you should sleep with pigs, for want of a better description. If he didn't like EPP, then sit on your own, not with Fascists. If he thinks some of his new "allies" are like minded, lord help us. At 18:30 he says that he supports Turkey joining the EU.He says it is sensible for Turkey to Join EU. At 23:15, he says he supports the Olympics and wants to make a success of it.Couldn't agree more with his comments. His idea of a Schools Olympics is a winner. At 27:59 Cameron gives an interesting answer re the "cultivation of high fliers". He seems to say it isn't a priority and we need a mix of people. At 30:30 he ducks the abolish 50% tax rate question. Given that it's a Tory mantra that the 50% tax rate lowers the tax take, his answer seems rather odd. The most interesting thing is the way he legged it at the end (56:38) with a "Thanks Mike" as he dashed past Freer. I would have thought there would be a bit of back slapping, a few photo's and a bit of "Vote for Mike" speel. What do we make of the fact that there was none.?

Sad to see empty seats, especially given the fact that the front rows were packed with Barnet Tory Councillors.

My verdict. It is quite an interesting clip. I always like to see politicians in the flesh. I've seen Tony Benn, Ken Livingstone and Jim Callaghan in the Borough (when I was at Orange Hill School). It has done nothing to change my view that David Cameron is a Liberal Democrat in disguise. I'd suggest if you want the policies he's talking about here, you cut out the middle man and Vote Lib Dem. David Cameron seems to me to be many things, but one thing he isn't is a Conservative (which given that he's likely to win the next election is probably a good thing).

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