Saturday 28 November 2009

Poles Apart

Went down to Bethnal Green last night to watch "Poles Apart", a comedy featuring prolific blogging actor Daniel Hoffman-Gill. Was it any good? I like Dan's blog, it's interesting, funny and thought provoking. How would his show about his experiences trying to get a job in Poland as an immigrant be.

Well I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've spent a bit of time in Eastern Europe and enjoy watching anything about it. There were two themes in the show, the observational humour which was great. They got a couple down from the audience to experience the "Warsaw" (not Walsall in Birmingham) experience. Probably the funniest bit was when Dan asked "Anna" where in England she came from and she said "Poland". I felt a bit sorry for her partner "Jeremy" who was the straight man in the sketch. Most amusing. At least they got a beer and a vodka on the house. The other theme was some BNP bashing with a recurring "Nick Griffen" sketch. The point was that the BNP have ignored the huge sacrifice the Poles made for Britain in World War Two.  I didn't enjoy this as much as the observational stuff. I think that Dan was preaching to the converted a bit. There were some funny aspects, but I must say that the BNP are a repulsive organisation and although they deserve lampooning, I still find them irritating in any form, even a humorous one. All in all though, a good night out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review mate and thanks for coming down to see it, much appreciated indeed.


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