Wednesday 11 November 2009

Doing anything this Friday?

If you're not up to anything on Friday 13th, come down to the Claddagh Ring in Hendon. Barnet Unison have organised an evening of entertainments. There's some great music and it's only £2.00 to get in. We've put together a good old variety night with something for everyone and a great headline band

The Line up :-

Timeline featuring Alan Warner from the Foundations (hits from '60's & 70's)

Seanachie Og - The finest Irish band in London

The False Dots ( my band playing Fast and Furious).

Doors open 8.30pm

A night to celebrate the our great and diverse City at it's best.

Here's a clip of Al with the Foundations from 1967 !!!!

A chance to see a genuine superstar and a great guitarist on your dorrstep (Al that is, not me)

Come down, say hello, have a drink - it'll be a great night. Bar till 2am with DJ Jack Funk playing Old Skool Vinyl (Bands 8.30 - 11ish). A great chance to meet everyone from the Barnet Community Campaign.

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