Thursday 12 November 2009

First Capital Connect = First Capital Incompetence

Strange as it may seem, people have to go to work. Many people who live in Mill Hill use First Capital Connect's Thameslink service to do this. We'll usually they do, but they won't be this morning, because there were no trains. Why were there no trains? Because they don't employ enough drivers to run the service. It seems that normally drivers do overtime to cover the holes left by the companies inability to get enough staff, but the company has pissed the drivers off so much that they are not cooperating.

As a result, the live departure board looks like this. If you want to find out how much "Compensation" Mr Moir Lockhead, the bloke who runs First Capital Connect gets for being totally unable to organise a piss up in a brewery, let alone run a train service - CLICK HERE. What will the rest of us get for having to suffer the terrible service that this incompetent plonker inflicts on us?

Why have we had a Labour Government for 12  1/2 years, with a massive majority for the whiole period and yet we still have these private cowboy companies, running the show on a shoestring to maximise their profits. The reason Labour will lose the next election is because they had the chance to sort this sort of rubbish out and they haven't.

If I was David Cameron, I'd make it a manifesto pledge to impose huge fines on directors of companies such as First Capital Connect, who fail to provide a basic service to the general public and exploit their monopoly to make huge wads of cash. How hard is it to say "we have this many services, we need this many drivers". Train Operating companies should have it as part of their franchise that they employ enough drivers to run the service.

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