Thursday 19 November 2009

A good week for Brian Coleman

Brian Coleman has been in the local news this week. He's been had nice things said about him in Barnet blogs, he's been mentioned in the newspapers in a positive way and he's had his picture taken with the great and the good. He's even been on record as having paid for his own dinner.

Firstly, which Barnet blog has been saying nice things about our Mayor CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT

The Barnet Times quoted Brian Coleman speaking at the Brent Cross redevelopment hearing. For once I totally agree with Mr Coleman.
Cllr Brian Coleman, Barnet and Camden London Assembly member: Said the development is “too tall and dense” and warned it could end up like the Grahame Park Estate. Accused the developers of having “no vision” and “no imagination” adding “Going high where the maximum profit is, what we do not need is more flats in this borough”
As to his hobknobbing the great and the good, Click HERE and HERE for some lovely pictures of Brian on a Schmoozathon. Leader of the Council Mike Freer assured the Barnet Blog information service that Brian Coleman stumped up for his own dinner.

After such a marvellous week for our dearly beloved Mayor, what could possibly go wrong? If even the Barnet Eye can't find anything bad to say about Brian Coleman, then maybe he's turned over a new leaf. To celebrate this change of heart, Don't Call me Dave has put together this fascinating music video chronicling the exploits of Barnets beloved first citizen. Don't miss it, this is a treat.

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