Thursday 12 November 2009

Has Guido lost his Mojo?????

Was just having a peek at the Guido Fawkes Blog. In amongst all the ads for Pizza's and betfair, I started reading, but got distracted by an advert on the radio for Stannah chair lifts or something. It suddenly hit me that maybe it's becoming rather formulaic, corporate and dull? It's rather like Punk rock, when it became successful, it became part of the establishment. I rather like blogs when they are edgy  & saying something a bit different. Bet's on how long before he's writing the Telegraph diary -Heh, Heh, Heh.

I always quite liked the blog (don't agree with it, but found it funny) as I have some sort of affinity with Guy Fawkes as one of my ancestors - Chidiok Tichborne - was part of the Babington Plot and got Hung drawn and quartered for his trouble - us Tichbornes have got a long history of being troublemakers.

I just hope I give up before I lose my Mojo (and I'm sure many Barnet Councillors will hope that is some time soon) !!!!

1 comment:

  1. Never been a fan of Guido, in fact I quite loath him I'm afraid.

    He's a Tory Troll.


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