Tuesday 17 November 2009

I'm Mike Freer - get me out of here !

It's back. The series we all love and watch, but don't admit. I'm a celebrity is back on our screens. It is a pure example of democracy in action. You see a whole bunch of people from a stack of different backgrounds and once you've got to know their personality, you have the opportunity to get rid of them.

Sadly for most of us, we don't apply the same principles when we vote. Truly obnoxious people, who we would cross the road to avoid in normal life, get our vote because they are standing for the party we associate ourselves with. How dumb is that? Why do you vote Tory/Lab/Lib-Dem? Is it in expectation that they'll really make your life better? or is it because at some point, for the most obscure of reasons you decided that they were your party come hell or high water?

My kids love I'm a celebrity (that's my excuse). It is required viewing. As I watched it last night, a bizarre thought struck me. The show is sponsored by "Iceland". At every commercial break, we got a nice ad promoting the wares of Iceland. I suddenly thought "Hang on a second, what about all of that dosh, £27.4 Million quid of it, that Barnet Council lost? Leader of Barnet Council, Mike Freer, promised us regular updates" Can you remember the last "regular" update? I know the bloke who was trying to get it back, left the council. Who is trying to get our cash back now? How much interest have we lost?

I seem to recall that Leader of Barnet Council Mike Freer got several thousand pounds in "responsibility allowances" for looking after the cash, but it was council officers who got the boot. It is over a year since Mike Freer announced "The cash is not lost, it's just resting".

Well as we all love I'm a celebrity and we all love Iceland, The Barnet Eye will be keeping everyone up to date on the matter over the next couple of weeks.

Don't forget that the bloke who lost all the cash (or who at least got a stonking great allowance for looking after it is) - Mike Freer, Leader of Barnet Council, is standing for Election in Finchley and Golders Green in May. Now, if like me you wouldn't trust Mike to put the cat out without losing it, I suspect that when you you see his name on the ballot form, you'll quote Sir Alan Sugar on that other unmissable reality show, The Apprentice and say "You're Fired".

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