Wednesday 18 November 2009

Leader Listens? it's a bit hard with the comments turned off !

The Leader of Barnet Council has a blog, paid for by the taxpayer (not like this blog which is free). Why does he have it? Supposedly to engage in two way dialog with the taxpayers of Barnet (ie me and you). Now you'd think that calling it Leader Listens means he'd welcome comments. You'd think he'd LISTEN to them. Well rather like the old Stalinist Communist Newspaper Pravda (translates to "Truth"). It is actuallty the total opposite of what it says on the tin. I left a comment on there a couple of weeks ago and I've been checking in to see if Mike ever printed it.

Well not only has he not printed it, he's turned comments off completely. Check out the screen shot

You can click here to see LEADERLISTENS.COM in all it's glory. In this post Mike Freer claims he has nothing to hide in his expenses. Well there is one thing he definately wants to hide - My comments. If you were wondering what the question was that Mike was so reticent about answering, click here to see the post with the comment saved from my Blog.

How long can Mike go on calling it Leader Listens, before he realises what a prize plonker he's starting to look? It's quite simple Mike, just tell us what this entertainment was and be done with it. What is there to hide?

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