Monday 30 November 2009

Lynne Hillan - high time for the truth not the trough

 From the London Daily News

The Deputy Leader of Barnet Council, Lynne Hillan, has today formally announced her intention to stand for the leadership of the Conservative group in Barnet following Mike Freer (the incumbent) decision to stand down, and focus on his parliamentary campaign to become MP for Finchley and Golders Green.

Lynn Hillan said in a statement:

"Having served as Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources I am well prepared for the challenges ahead as we enter a period of financial instability.  I am delighted with the draft budget I will be presenting later this month which will bring in the lowest Council Tax “increase” in the history of the Council.  It is all about targeting our resources towards services that our residents want and ensuring that the Council remains in Conservative control."


There are a few things that The Barnet Eye would like to remind it's readers of, regarding the career of Lynne Hillan.

Lynne Hillan claims she is well prepared for the challenges ahead because shes been Cabinet member for resources and Deputy Leader for a couple of months. Is this the same Lynne Hillan who ran a firm which went bankrupt with huge debts (much of which was to the taxman)? Is this the same Lynne Hillan who got Mike Freer to ring up the editor of a local paper in May and hush up a scandal because "I'd consider it a personal favour if you didn't run this story because Lynne is ill and this could badly affect her treatment and recovery prospects"? Is this the same Lynne Hillan who moved her mother from one sheltered housing site to another, shortly before it was announced that the warden would be removed from the home she had been a resident in. Is this the same Lynne Hillan who told a council meeting packed with residents of Sheltered Housing, where the warden was being removed that just because 85% of them had rejected the councils proposals in a consultation, the council was under no obligation to listen. Hillan talks about "the Lowest increase in tax in Barnet Council history". This will be funded by the "Biggest cuts to Barnets most vulnerable people in Barnet Council history". She talks about keeping the Conservatives in power, not about doing a good job for the taxpayers. Oh and a word of caution to any Barnet Council Tory Councillors who are stupid enough to think she'd make a good leader. If the Barnet Times does not run the story, I can guarantee that one of my rival bloggers will very, very soon. I'd suggest that you do yourself and Councillor Lynne Hillan a favour and persuade her to find something to run more suited to her many talents (see picture above). Too many Tory Councillors have their snoutsd deep in the trough of public funded allowances. It is time for them to swap the trough for the truth and appoint someone who has a track record of decent administration and sensible decisions.

I have this to say to the Editor of the local paper which hushed up the story. Ever feel like you've been conned?

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