Monday 30 November 2009

Not your typical fan mail

Dear Rog,

I started reading your blog after your standards case hearing against Coleman. As someone with a background in the forces and a diehard Conservative, initially I was rather unimpressed with you and your views. I felt that you were a typical case of a jumped up lefty twat who can dish it out, but can't take it. For some reason, despite these misgivings, I've stuck with it and whilst I still disagree with most of what you say, I realise that you raise some important issues and make some good points.

When I read your two blogs posted today  my jaw dropped. I read the link you posted to the Telegraph about the British forces and it made me turn cold. I can't really say why, but this whole
business is scandalous. As to the other blog about UKIP. I know you have your own reasons for writing it, but the point you made is spot on. For many Conservatives in Finchley, unless UKIP stand, we will be staying at home come the next election.

Those of us who've made sacrifices for our country and are patriotic cannot stand by and let our old
folk be treated badly. I don't agree with most of what you write, but the cuts to the wardens is an
insult and a disgrace. If we let our grandparents be treated in this way, we deserve contempt.

I know this isn't the usual sort of fan mail you get, but I just wanted to let you know that after
my early doubts, I now think that the Barnet Eye is the only thing round here which stands up for
ordinary people. I don't agree with you most of the time, but I'm sure as hell glad you are here.

Yours Sincerely

D McBrain

P.s. I'd happy for you to print this letter on your blog
D. McBrain is a reader of the Barnet Eye.
The Barnet Eye always welcomes blogs from guest contributors. If you want to have a blog featured here, please email me BY CLICKING HERE.

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