Sunday 29 November 2009

Nick Walkley - Barnet CEO - An open invitation

One of my best moles at Barnet Council (I'd like to call him deep throat in honour of the Famous Watergate Mole, but those who don't about Watergate may get the wrong idea) told me a great story this week about our Council CEO, Nick Walkley, this week and certain plans for, shall we say, the way things are done in Barnet. Unfortunately it would instantly identify him, so I just have to sit on my hands. 

Having said all of that, it did get me thinking. If I was Nick Walkley - CEO of Barnet and I thought I was doing a good job and had a story to tell, I'd want to get my story across. I'm sure Walkley has some idea how many people read the various Barnet blogs. If I was in his shoes, rather than worrying about bloggers, I'd see them as a modern and progressive way of telling my story. There is a huge readership within Barnet of this, so why do they run so scared of talking to us.

Anyway, here's my offer to Nick Walkley. Come and have a chat with the Barnet Eye and put your point of view across on record. What is there to be scared of. I run a recording studio, so we could record the whole thing for posterity and release it as a podcast. I'd quite like to invite Vicki Morris and David Miller along as well. I'll even provide you with tea and cakes (at a cost of under £25 so you don't have to declare it). Simple rules. Any question goes and nothing gets edited out. You can get your story across to the thousands of people who read this blog every week.

Nick, are you man enough for the challenge ?

If so, Email me by clicking here and we'll fix up a date.

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