Saturday 28 November 2009

The Barnet Eye Saturday Quiz : How Homophobic are you?

Nick Griffin, Leader of the BNP reckons that everyone goes Yuk when they see two gay people kissing.
This idea intrigued me, so I thought I'd let you test yourself with a "How Homophobic are you" quiz.

Usual Barnet Eye Quiz structure. For answer A - Ten points, B - Five Points and C - Zero Points.
Ten questions.
Results :- If you get 0 out of 100 you are probably Peter Tatchell and if you get 100 out of 100 You are probably Nick Griffin. If you get somewhere in the middle, then you are somewhere in between.

1. Should Homosexual sex between consenting Adults be illegal.

A - Yes Always, B - Only if they are ugly, C - Never

2. If a family member rang you from America and said they were coming on their honeymoon to visit you and would like to stay at your house. They then tell you their spouse is the same sex, would you

A - Slam down the phone with a stream of abuse, B - Say you'd love to see them and suggest a Hotel, C - Say great, stay as long as you like.

3. Would you enjoy watching a Film with two men kissing :-

A - No, I'd always turn off the channel, B - Yes, if it was a good film and the kiss was in Context, C - Yes, especially if it was a Gay Porn film.

4. If your son came out as Gay would you?

A - Cut all ties forever,  B - Support him, but be sad, C - be happy that he is able to share this with you

5. Would you feel uncomfortable if  your childs teacher was openly homosexual

A - Yes, I'd change school, B - No, but I'd be more vigilant, C - Not bothered at all

6. Your Best friend tells you they have been living a lie and are gay. Would you?

A -End the friendship immediately, B - stay in touch, but be less friendly, C - It would make no difference

7. You find your Grandads war diary. In it you read that he had a sexual relationship with another man and enjoyed it, Would you

A - Feel that he was a family disgrace, B - Not be bothered one way or the other, C - feel happy that he had enjoyed it

8. An openly gay person starts work with you. Do you?

A - Shun them as much as possible. B - treat them like anyone else. C - Think "Fantastic, we need some life in this place"

9. You go for a meal with your spouse. At the next table, two guys are on the next table openly but not noisily flirting. Do you?

A - Ask for a different table, B - carry on with dinner, it doesn't bother you, C - Listen intently to what they are up to

10 - Your child comes home and tells you they are in trouble for calling a class mate a "F**ing QU***". Do you?

A - Pat them on the head and double their pocket money, B - Tell them to behave in future and not use such horrible terms. C -  Call them a disgrace to the family and impose a harsh punishment.


So how did you get on? I'm not going to make any suggestions at all, but I'd suggest that you think whether your score is what you'd hoped.

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