Monday 30 November 2009

UKIP & Finchley - A marriage made in heaven?

I'm not a UKIP supporter, by any stretch of the imagination. I must say though that if I was, I'd make Finchley & Golders Green my number one target seat in London.Why you may ask? Well it strikes me that it is an ideal target for them.

First, the history. Margaret Thatcher was the most rabidly anti European of all of our Prime Ministers. UKIP claim to be the successors to her legacy.

Secondly, the Tories have a very weak and very left wing (for a Tory) candidate. Former Leader of Barnet Council, Mike Freer, has left a catalog of disasters in his wake at Barnet Council. If UKIP could find someone who'd run a Whelk stall for 4 years, without going broke, they'd have someone with more financial acumen than Mike Freer. How many other Tory leaders campaign for Stealth taxes and indulge in Stalinist media manipulation.

Thirdly, there is a big bandwagon for them to jump on in Barnet. Brian Coleman had a major bust up with Boris Johnson about Boris Johnsons plans to open 22 new travellers camps in Barnet. Whilst Labour and the Lib-Dems would never campaign on a Xenophobic platform, UKIP have no such qualms. They could eat a big hole in the Tories support base. Unlike Brian Coleman, Mike Freer is very supportive of the Mayor (rumour has it that Coleman and Freer have fallen out big time. Could this be the reason?).

Fourth. UKIP offer an alternative to both incumbents, the Labour government and the Tory Council, both of which are deeply unpopular in the seat.

Fifth, UKIP must surely be against the abolition of the Sheltered Housing Warden Cuts. This hated policy has left many right leaning OAP's with no political home to go to. If UKIP miss this opportunity, they really shouldn't be in the politics business at all.

Sixth,  David Cameron said at his public meeting in Finchley that he wants Turkey to join the EU as soon as possible. Again I've no idea what UKIP would make of this, but I'm sure there are many people in their party, who shall we say, would be even less keen on an EU with Turkey as part of the club.

Seventh, UKIP are untainted by the Commons expenses scandal. If UKIP did there homework and read the Barnet blogs, they'd soon see why Mike Freer would not exactly be a fresh page for the voters of Finchley and Golders Green. The fact is that under his leadership, councillor allowances have gone through the roof, doubling up against the advice of the independent panel. Then there's the trips to America courtesy of the taxpayer. A clean slate?

If I was Tory Candidate Mike Freer, UKIP would be my worst nightmare. If I was UKIP, I'd want Thatchers old stomping ground more than anything. If the Tories lose Finchley at the next election, then they've really only got themselves to blame for putting up the worst candidate they could possibly find. Do UKIP stand a chance in Finchley? Well if they can't do well in this climate, against someone as divisive and unpopular and with such a poor track record as Freer, they should pack up their bags and give up. Would I like to see it. As someone of the left, no, not at all, but it really wouldn't come as a surprise.

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