Thursday 22 July 2010

Barnet Eye war on Spongers and Parasites : Make yourself heard

Wipe the smug grins from their faces !

1 comment:

  1. It was only after reports of the Residents Forum in High Barnet that I realized - oh my God! - they were going to try and brazen this out.

    The longer this goes on, though, the bigger the campaign against them seems to be getting.

    Are there really no moves to kill the issue dead, with a retreat?

    These untalented gold-diggers are destroying the reputation of the Conservative Party - not good for politics in general in the borough, so no-one should really want that.

    Labour and Lib-Dems should fight on issues (plenty of those), not the fact that the ruling party - and therefore the borough - is dysfunctional.

    Remember, we have four more years of these jokers.


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