Wednesday 4 February 2015

West Hendon Estate inquiry on The One Show on BBC

I suggest you checkout Monday's The One Show on BBC iplayer. It features coverage of the West Hendon Estate scandal. The BBC have been keeping a beady eye on this blog as they clearly recognise a very important story. The council and its leader Richard Cornelius look appalling because of this. You can't take away people's homes, use the law to pay people less than the going rate, so property developers can make a fortune building luxury flats, without looking like shifty lowlife chancers. Maybe the Conservative regime at Barnet town hall don't care. Whilst they pride themselves on being a hard right Thatcherite regime, they should remember that their inspiration, Maggie Thatcher brought in legislation allowing council tenants to buy their homes at a discount, as she recognised that this was a popular policy. In reality the leaseholders in West Hendon are the victims of reverse Thatcherism. The council are paying them less than the going rate and so they will no longer own their own home and are being forced into shared ownership.

I think it is sickening.

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