Thursday 5 February 2015

Why I won't be going to Question Time in Finchley tonight

Tonight Finchley is in the spotlight. It is the location for Question Time, the BBC politics show. I won't be going. I didn't bother to ask for tickets. You may wonder why. The answer is quite simple, I've absolutely no interest whatsoever in any of the panel and I don't see that any of them have any solutions for the issues in our neighbourhood. The panel will consist of Conservative Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, Labour Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt, UKIP's deputy chairman Susanne Evans, Respect MP George Galloway and Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland.

Do you think any of this mob have any thing to offer our local community? I don't. Sadly the BBC have missed a great chance to use Barnet as a showcase for many of the issues facing our local community, but we have clowns like George Galloway and comedy acts like Susanne Evans. I wouldn't give these two the time of day. 

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