Friday 28 June 2024

Friday Fun, Local music roundup and local news 28th June 2024

 As ever we start with some fun. This made me smile. I'll explain why below. 

I have a firm belief that we are all getting far to angry and het up about everything. I was nearly run over on the pavement yesterday by an impatient motorist, who mounted the pavement to try and get around a car doing a three point turn in the road. Not only that, but the silly man beeped me and my dog for having the audacity to walk on the pavement. I was quite shocked and angry, but when I reflected on it, I realised just how infectious a virus anger is. There I was, not a care in the world and in an instant I was transformed into a raging lunatic, swearing at a car, driven by someone I don't know, who I will never see again, whilst they gave me the finger. And then they were gone, just leaving me raging and boiling. And then my Dog just stopped and looked at me. She wouldn't move. At first I thought she was shaken by the car, but I realised she could tell that I was stressed and angry. So I gave her a stroke and said "Don't worry, it;s alright". I realised that getting cross at such stupidity is just reducing myself to the level of an idiot who drives on the pavement and beeps at pedestrians to get out of the way. If I was dishonest, I could claim that I was cross because it upset the dog and put us in harms way, but that wouldn't be true. My dog's reaction was far more rational. Let the idiot get on with it and don't get too riled. In the dogs mind, the twat startled them, she ruffed and the threat departed rather quickly. That was the end of it. No brooding, wishing a better response had been forthcoming, wishing they'd dragged the idiot from their motor and given him a good hiding. In the dogs mind, it was done. In some ways, the tweet above is a lesson for us. If we get riled, don't react. Just replace the anger with something that is nice. My Dad, who ran a crash repair business had a great way of dealing with idiot drivers. He'd smile and say "All my best customers drive like that". Such idiots fed me for the first eighteen years of my life so maybe I should be grateful that the motor trade is still being kept in work. 

And on to the local gigs. The False Dots are delighted to be playing at The East Barnet Festival this week. We'll be onstage at 5pm tomorrow.

Here is the full music programme. There really is something for everyone and the fun starts at 6pm this evening.  Full details CLICK HERE FOR THE FESTIVAL WEBSITE - There's also a funfair, food and drink stalls and a classic car show. What is not to love!

If you fancy some post festival fun, here's a few to check out!

Harripaul gig at Butchers Arms
Harripaul (Pop / Rock / Jazz / Blues) at Butchers Arms, Barnet
info icon9pm


Scratch gig at The Three Wishes
Scratch (Rock Covers, 4 piece) at The Three Wishes, Edgware
info icon9pm - midnight

Road Trip gig at Ye Olde Monken Holt
Road Trip (Rock & Roll) at Ye Olde Monken Holt, High Barnet 
info icon7pm - 9pm

AND Finally, 

I don't normally do this on a Friday as Friday is a fun day, but there are a few items of local news to report.

Firstly an event of note. After two years, Mrs Angry, one of the fabulous five Barnet bloggers, and the second of our wonderful female bloggers to start a blog after the much missed Citizen Barnet, has awoken from her slumbers and given us a rather witty account of the election hustings at St John's church in Barnet. It is well worth a read - sadly nothing from the other Barnet Bloggers recently. A real shame because the election is important and it looks like our MP's will switch from Blue to Red, a first in my lifetime.

On Wednesday night, I took my wife our for dinner for her birthday at the rather wonderful Wet Fish Cafe in West Hampstead. We were watching the rather marvellous Acantha Lang, a soul singer from Missisipi. She is really good. If you get the chance, go and see her. She's a regular at Mill Hill Music Complex Studios. It's great to put something back and support her.

What was quite amusing was to bump into one of our very top Tory Councillors having dinner there. We had a pleasant chat, he's one of the group that I get on pretty well with and he clearly has good taste in food and music. As he was munching dinner whilst his party leader was doing a debate on telly, it was clear that he was none too interested in the whole thing (proof in my mind that he's a very sensible soul). We had a quick chat and when the subject of the election came up, it was clear that he was not exactly exited by the whole thing. In May, the Tories elected a new leader and co leader to run the group. I asked how that was working out. He pointed out that two days after this tweet, Rishi Sunak called a general election and the group was thrown into chaos. As he noted "Life does bowl curveballs"

I had a look at the Twitter feeds of the new leadership teams twitter feeds, neither seem too bothered about posting. Odd really, or maybe not. I think we're all sick of it, it seems to have been going on for ages!

And finally, do you want to own a little bit of music history and help a very good cause.

Have a great weekend! Lets finish with an invocation to England!

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