Tuesday 15 September 2009

Dunkin' Mc Donut - The man to save Barnet's Tories from themselves?

One of the nicest politicians in Barnet is Duncan MacDonald. He's one of the few local politicians who I wouldn't mind going for a few pints with. He likes music he can have a bit of a laugh about things. To sum up, he's pretty down to earth. Some of Barnet's Tories are rather scornful of Duncan. They have a little nickname for him. They call him 'Dunkin Mc Donut'. They think this is highly amusing. I've not discussed this with Duncan, but I'd guess he's really not that bothered. Lets face it, if that's the best they can do......

Anyway, you may wonder why I have chosen to share the hilarious wit of the Barnet Tories with you? Well they have this Leader called Mike Freer, who to be quite honest, really doesn't cut the mustard. Their problem. Well they all agree that he's the best person to lead the party, despite a catalog of failures costing tens of millions of quid on his watch - Icelandic Banks, Aerodrome Road, Partingdale Lane, The Underhill enquiry, tellies on council officials desks, brand new laptops in storage etc.

It is plain to absolutely anyone that they need a better leader, but as they all agree they are even worse than Freer, they are stuck. Their big thing at the moment is "Future Shape of Barnet Council". Try hard as I have, I've been totally unable to work out what the millions of pounds of money, which have paid for armies of "consultants", have actually achieved. The truth is that no one has a clue what "Future Shape" really means. Mike Freer tried to explain to the Guardian last week. His explanation "It means that if you are an invalid stuck in bed, you have the choice between someone coming to wipe your arse or going on holiday to Benidorm" (Actually that wasn't exactly what he said, but it was words to that effect).

The whole scheme has drawn nothing but ridicule and scorn from all corners of the political world, starting with David Cameron and George Osborne. I've been to several council meetings and it is clear that no one has a clue what the whole project is about.

Well that was until today. I've finally had someone explain to me in plain English, what it's all about. I've finally seen an article where all the consultants gobbledegook is translated into language that a thicko like me (and the Tory cabinet) could understand. The man who achieved this miraculous feat? None other than the Tories favourite mid morning snack Mr Dunkin' Mc Donut himself. In his blog today, Duncan explains the scheme. I've no idea how much he got paid to produce this item on his blog, but it is far better written than anything I've seen from the £1000+ a day consultants. If you live in Barnet or you are interested in the scheme, you MUST read this.

I'd especially recommend my avid army of Tory Councillors who read this blog to check out Duncan's blog. As I read it, I realised that if the Tories had an ounce of sense they'd ditch Freer and poach Duncan MacDonald from the Lib Dems. They seem to think that Future Shape is the way to go and he's clearly the only Councillor who really understands it. As such he's clearly much less stupid than Freer or the rest of them. A Liberal leading the Tories, I hear you scoff. Well let me remind you that Great Britain's greatest ever prime minister, Winston Churchill was a Liberal who switched to the Tories. I'm not saying Duncan is the next Churchill, but he's a damn site better than any other options.

1 comment:

  1. "Some of Barnet's Tories are rather scornful of Duncan."

    Only some? I must be doing something wrong.


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