Sunday 1 November 2009

The A - Z of The Barnet Eye and other fascinating facts

Thought I'd give you an A-Z of all the things that are important to me & motivate me

A - Art - The appreciation of the beauty in things. Without this we are nothing
B - Barnet - This is the Borough I live in. Great place, rubbish Council
C - Cancer - stolen too many people I love, caused too much hurt, my one true hate
D - Daydreams - What would life be without them
E - Extravagance - This is what we get when our Tory Councillors decide on their allowances
F - False Dots - My band, the second most important thing in my life (after the other F family)
G - Guinness - Kept my mum going for 38 years after her Cancer, the elixir of life
H - Hendrix - If you play guitar in a rock band, you'll get this
I - Injustice -What fires me up to write this blog
J - Justice - Something which you don't get if you make a Standards complaint in Barnet
K - Kunst - German word for art, or for a dyslexic like me, describes the people running the Council
L - Love - Without this it's all pointless
M - Manchester City - My team.
N - Nature - I'm an environmentalist, something we should respect
O - Overdevelopment - Something which is happening all over Barnet
P - Passion - What makes me love people
Q - Question - What I have plenty of for the people who run the place. There are far less answers
R - Ramones - The greatest band in the Universe
S - Sailor - Second album by the Steve Miller band and my favourite album, a true masterpiece
T - Totty - Makes life worth whileand believe me I'm blessed in this department
U - Urban Landscapes - I love cities. I never feel comfortable in the countryside
V - Vibrators - The Band (not the sex toys) - Orange Hill old boys, made me realise it could happen
W - Work - We all do it, I'm lucky because generally I love it
X - X-Ray Specs - This band embodies everything that is great about punk rock
Y - Yoga - I do a class once a week and I think it keeps me sane. I'd make it compulsory in prisons
Z - Zantac - Without this I'd be dead (or even worse sober)

The Barnet Eye Top ten this week

As ever, the Brian Coleman free dinner register is in there. I'm especially pleased to see the Oil City Confidential blog in there. The 5 Songs which make me miserable is a perennial favourite as well. Lots of people seem to enjoy the Hank Marvin - Falsedots story.  Maybe Hank would like to join us for a jam at the Claddagh Ring?

Even more interesting are the pictures/documents you've been downloading. This one has been downloaded thousands of times since I first put it up and is No 1 every week. It's been downloaded 39 times in the last 48 hours. This is fairly typical. If Mike Freer/Lynne Hillan think this issue is going away, they are welcome to come around and check my stats. Considering that this was posted months ago, this is a truly awesome number.

Nothing pleases me more than the interest this blog has generated in the sheltered housing issue.

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