Not too many spaces around Childs Hill are there (that Lib Dem Stronghold)?
Where are there a few nice, big green open spaces? I know - Totteridge? Home of Councillor Brian Coleman. It's a Tory stronghold, so no fear of losing marginal seats. It's got plenty of nice spaces to tuck away.
No wonder Brian Coleman is worried, I'm afraid that as a senior member of the council and a senior oppo of Boris Johnson, he's going to take a lot of flack from his friends.
I think it's quite poetic justice really. All of those folk who elected Boris Johnson and elected Brian Coleman will be getting a few new neighbours. Brian Coleman will bleat "I protested as loud as I could" - Not true really. Boris has lost too many trusted sidekicks. If Coleman really was serious in his opposition, he'd threaten Boris with resignation. He'd call the bluff of Boris. Sadly he doesn't really care enough to actually put his big fat allowances on the line. You see Coleman is quite happy to huff, he's quite happy to puff, but he knows that he isn't going to blow the house down.
If you don't believe me, just check out the maps. You can't put camps where there ain't no space for them. Coleman has made a career out of demonising people. Lets just hope that when he has to represent them in his ward, he realises that there are good and bad in all communities and racism is not the way for one to conduct their business.
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