Sunday 26 December 2010

So who is running Barnet Council right now

In the Barnet Future Shape blog, I've posted a couple of out of office notifications from the Leader of Barnet Council Lynne Hillan  and the CEO Nick Walkley. They've both taken holidays and left their deputies in charge. I've put their out of office responses on the Future Shape website here :-

So what time of year does the Council most need leadership? Maybe when there's some snow and ice.  Hillan pulled the same stunt last year when Barnet ran out of grit and no one was here to bang heads together. That worked so well CEO Nick Walkley has decided to go at the same time. Who's he left in charge? Andrew Travers, a consultant who doesn't even work for the council.

As Barnet council workers celebrate Xmas with redundancy letters, the man running the council is a consultant on a massive rate, no doubt getting even more for stepping into the breach. There is no leadership, just drift and you and me, my friend are paying for it all.


ainelivia said...

local pavements like ice-rinks and having to walk in the road. How anyone elderly or disabled can get down Millway is a miracle, had to walk in the road.

Have had this phantasy wish for some days now, that those of our local councillors travelling for their Xmas hols are stuck in Terminals at Heathrow, under tinfoil blankets, or at the side of a very icy road somewhere in the UK. Normally I don't wish bad things for anyone, but my spirit of good will and cheer is limited this year to non-Barnet Councillors.

caroline said...

I visited Mill Hill a couple of days ago and cannot believe the state of the pavements. Maybe the council are trying to kill off the oldies by breaking their hips on Millway and then leaving them untreated due to lack of resources. Oops shouldn't suggest things knowing you have council members read this blog.
Merry Christmas!