Sunday, 12 June 2011

Did you know it's election day in Barnet?

Today a very important election will be held in Barnet. It will determine many things, such as how much tax you pay, how open and transparent the council is and whether council officers will be held to account for their mistakes. I am not going to discuss who is standing, beyond saying the candidates are Richard Cornelius, Andrew Harper and Mark Shooter. The reason I won't say is because not one of them has uttered a dickeybird in public as to what they will do if elected. No one beyond the 36 Tory councillors knows. Sure there has been chinese whispers and sources close to all the candidates have ventured the odd opinion in a strictly off the record manner, but we have no idea whatsoever. The position at stake has an allowance of £36,000 a year, as well as the potential for other top ups elsewhere as leader.

We will never know who voted for who, beyond cabinet changes as the votes are rewarded with promotions etc. We will never know why they voted. None of the candidates have said whether they are bound by the manifesto they were elected on a year ago.

So lets hope that the bloke who wins, on the manifesto we don't know, does a good job. Sadly I think it's sad that there is less transparency than in the Kremlin in the 1960's

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