Tuesday 31 January 2017

Guest Blog - Green Belt Destruction... by Green Belt Man

Mill Hill – once it’s gone it’s gone
Since 1972 Hasmonean Girls School in Page Street NW7 has expanded, in an area protected by Green Belt Policies. Now an expansive Planning Application, with theintention to take away much more of our cherished Green Belt land, is with Barnet Council waiting public comments.
Hasmonean propose to acquire 15 additional acres from Barnet Council, and in return, a smaller area of land owned by the school in NW4 would be transferred to the Council. Stop this Planning Application If approved, this wild open space will be bulldozed, built on, and 15 acres securely fenced off - irreplaceable greenbelt land and its public access denied to future generations.

• Imposing 15,300 sq. mt. building
• 21 acre Green Belt site
• Increase in traffic and noise to the area
• Loss of ‘SINC’ Nature Conservation Site
• 1400 Pupils (506 at present)

Help protect the Green Belt
To view and object to this application please go to:
Enter reference ‘16/6662/FUL ‘ into search box at bottom.
Planning Officer: Andrew Dillon
Email: andrew.dillon@barnet.gov.uk
Object now please - time is limited - dont delay - today is the last day for objections!

For further information: (if you wish to object privately see website for details)

Objections accepted to end Jan 2017

A reasoned and logical objection ...
Several local organisations who work in the public interest have looked in depth at the
application, their full and complete objection letters, stating all the reasoned arguments and
Policies that protect green belt, can be found on the Barnet website - or on our website:
Mill Hill Preservation Society: www.green-belt-destruction-nw7.org.uk/mhps.pdf
Mill Hill Neighbourhood Forum: www.green-belt-destruction-nw7.org.uk/mhnf.pdf

The application cites ‘very special circumstances’ for reasons to approve the development ...
The Mill Hill Preservation Society however write:
Car Use The development of 167 parking spaces may well be used by Saracens supporters
on match days (current practice of the school) encouraging car use – is this an end to which
our Green Belt land should find itself ? With an additional 900 pupils during the week, use of
school facilities for social occasions at weekends and evenings - will all add to the noise and
disruption, local people will be forced to endure. Local people are ‘already’ fed up with the near
continuous traffic congestion that exists today, and the area cannot cope with the increased
activity proposed, that will extend beyond school hours, and possibly at weekends.
Community Benefit Despite promises, there is a concern that public facilities are unlikely to be

Alternative Sites Have alternative sites been fully explored ? Hasmonean school should be
more innovative with its land use, a proposed development of what is believed to be 1300
pupils, the Saracens High School, will not be built on Green Belt Land - but in suburban
Colindale, and on just 1/3 the size of area: 7.8 acres. With so many large residential
developments nearby now nearing completion, and possibly more yet to be built in the future,
any cherished Green Belt land, more than ever must be protected from destruction.
Green Belt Destruction...

Mill Hill – once it’s gone it’s gone

1 comment:

GreenBeltMan said...

Barnet Council have now extended the date for when objections can be received to beyond the end of January, but to be properly considered they should be sent in ASAP, and well before Committee Meeting on 23rd Feb. GreenBeltMan