Friday 28 July 2023

Rog T's Cancer Blog - A statement

 Dear Reader, 

As you know, this blog has been chronicling my journey with cancer since 2011. There have been ups and downs. The last six months have been very down. You need all of the support and love of your families. I believe you should get the best care possible for yourself and take as good care of yourself as you can. 

It is fair to say that I am having a difficult time at the moment and I thank my wife, family and friends for their support. I am lucky that I have had this. It makes it all seem better. I had wanted to write a blog today, detailing my chosen treatment path. However, for reasons I do not wish to discuss today, which are non medical, I cannot. This is causing me much mental stress. 

What I do want to say is that whatever happens, I will continue to support the cancer community and especially men with prostate cancer. My blog has a large readership and I will continue to use this platform to push for the very best care and results for men and women affected by cancer.

A friend signposted me to a treatment that provides the very best outcome for me with one of the top surgeons in the country. I am grateful to his input. I am hoping to have surgery on the 9th August, but there are issues to resolve around this, which have cropped up that need to be resolved before I can fully discuss where I am going. I am posting this so that my readers, friends and family know that I am fine and there is a path forward, which I believe will mean that I can get on and enjoy my life.

I urge every one of you to mind your health. If you were born with a prostate and you are 50+ get a PSA test or other prostate test. If you were born female, get screened for breast cancer, especially if there is a history of cancer in the family. None of this will stop you going through what I am going through right now, if you are blighted with the big C, but it will give you better options if it is caught early. 

There are many things that I want to say right now, but it is not the time. Please be assured that none are related to my physical health which is pretty damn good right now. 

One thing I've learned in life is that if you just crumble and don't fight when faced with a challenge, you always lose. Even if I lose the battle I have, I intend to do everything in my power to ensure that no one else has these ridiculous challenges put in their way. And don't worry about me, I'm fine. I'm off on holiday for a few days to top up my tan.

And finally, as you know I write  songs. Here is one to urge men to get a prostate check. It has proven rather popular at recent shows

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a nice holiday Roger and that things start to look up on your return