Monday 12 February 2024

Doctors vs Morons (like me)

I was looking at some old papers. Exactly four years ago today, a pandemic in China first caught my attention. I decided to do some research. What I found out horrified me. Five days later, I published the first blog about the subject. I hoped one or two people may take it seriously. I had no idea what would follow. I had hoped that the one thing good that the Pandemic may do, would be to persuade the government to properly value Doctors and Nurses. Why does this matter to me. 

Ok, lets figure this out rationally from base 1. When we are at school, the very cleverest people, who get the best grades aspire to do medicine. They have to work really hard and get A* in sciences. They then have to do long University courses. They then work ungodly hours in hospitals for years on end. Thanks to their efforts and dedication, ignorant, lazy, good for nothing twats like me who did bugger all at school apart from turn up, can have operations like the one I had in August, which will stop me dying of cancer. Now personally, I was taught enough good manners by my Mum and Dad, both who received brilliant care for all manner of life threatening illnesses for years on end, to actually think they are undervalued and deserve to be well paid and treated with respect. 

When anyone says we can't afford it, we could certainly afford to bale out the banks, we can afford tax breaks for billionaires, we can afford to let Google and Starbucks pay bugger all tax, whilst their UK staff benefit from the NHS (their low tax compatriots in the USA have no such care). 

So who's side am I on Rishi Sunak, Victoria Aitken and Jeremy C. Hunt or the Doctors? 
I may be a thick, uneducated moron, but I think I figured that one out. 

And you know what? When I am being sedated, to have bits chopped off me, in the hope that it will save my life, I want that person to be the cleverest person I will meet that week. I don't want them to be tired, stressed and overworked. I am quite happy to pay more tax to ensure that happens. When you look at it like that, I can only assume that anyone who disagrees with me is an even bigger moron than I am.

Back in lockdown, I recorded a reworking of a False Dots song, especially dedicated to the NHS workers and Doctors and Nurses everywhere (including my Sister Val who is a Nurse and her husband Tim who is an A&E Doctor). They were at the coalface during the pandemic. How quickly did the Government forget? How quickly did we forget? We stood there and clapped on our doorsteps, but I simply do not understand why there are not millions marching in support of a pay rise for junior Doctors.

My band, The False Dots will be performing at The Beehive in Bow on Saturday 23rd March. It would be lovely if you came down - Tickets:

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