Friday 21 June 2024

Friday Fun Special - THe Friday Joke, local music round up and The Robert Elms show is 30 years old!

 It's Friday, it's a tradition amongst us Barnet Bloggers, that we start with a joke, to get the weekend off to a good start! This wonderful tweet from the Lancashire Archive made me smile. I wonder if she's Aunty Dot! (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN if you don't get the reference!)

Today see's a special anniversary. Local boy from Burnt Oak made good, Robert Elms celebrates the 30th anniversary of his show on BBC Radio London today. I've listened to the show since he started on the channel in 1994. To keep a show relevent and listenable for 30 years, over two millenia is some achievement. I have a massive personal debt of gratitude to him. Probably 30% of the new artists I've discovered in that period, I've heard first on his show.. I've even made friends as a result of going to gigs and chatting to the artists in question. Such amazing artists as Eli Paperboy Reed spring to mind as a great example

 Robert was the first to play Amy WInehouse \(Although I knew of her first as she rehearsed at the studio!). His slot on a Sunday, where people plug there events is a must listen for anyone who wants to enjoy the good things in this city. It has alerted me to some wonderful events, such as the Jah Wobble book reading at The Social in Little Portland Street recently. Robert has been very supportive of our campaign to keep London's grassroots venues alive. We launched the Save London Music Campaign on his show. 

It has to be said that the BBC management seems to be less than supportive of Robert (and the other brilliant presenters) at times. His show times have been mucked around with several times over the years and most recently his hours were cut down. This has meant Robert has far less time to introduce new artists, have guest sessions etc. Fortunately for us, he seems to get on and get by. 

Anyway Happy 30th Anniversary Robert. Before we look at the gigs, here's a special track for Robert, hopefully reminding him of his roots!


First some advanced notice of next week's big festival. Barnet's biggest music event of the year, The East Barnet Festival starts on Friday. I am delighted that The False Dots are playing at 5pm on Saturday. Click here Click here for the full line up

Next up, a plug for our gig tomorrow night, celebrating 50 years of Charly Records. Click here for cheap advance tickets.

And finally, this weekends local gigs

Bad Bones gig at East Barnet Shooting Club
Bad Bones (Acoustic, Duo) at East Barnet Shooting Club, New Barnet
info icon7pm - 9.30pm


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