Thursday 17 October 2024

Watch this space - We have a big Barnet Council/Barnet Homes story coming!

Why do I write a blog about Barnet Council still? For the same reason I always have. Because there are vulnerable people in the Borough of Barnet who are being shat on by the powers that be. I have been informed of a major issue at Barnet Homes with a computer system suipplied by Capita. I will say no more now but I suspect that it affects a large number of residents. I will publish details ASAP, so watch this space.

But there is something I wanted to say, before the story breaks. I had hoped that when Labour took power in 2022, things would improve. To my absolute horror, the opposite seems to have happened. Now I don't completely blame the new Labour administration. They were left a council in crisis. The Tories left Labour in an impossible situation. However, what I didn't expected was the high handed way that Labour would start behaving once they got in power. Councillors who used to regularly communicate with me started to give me the cold shoulder. I write emails and they don't reply. Of course there is no reason that they should treat me any different to anyone else, just because I write a blog which has had over four million views. But I am a tad disappointed if this is how they treat everyone.

Anyway, as I said, this blog does at least allow things that the council want to sweep under the carpet to be aired in public. I am owed a few favours by major media players at the BBC and in the Press, for 'assistance given' in researching stories over the years. That means that there is the opportunity to get important stories a proper airing. You may wonder how I decide what sort of a story is worth 'going big' on.

Well there are some rules of thumb, for me.

1. It must affect people who have no idea how to get the local powers that be to treat them fairly and with respect.

2. It must involve issues where local people, who don't have the knowledge, capabilities or resources to get something done.

3. Those people must be materially impacted in a negative way.

4. There must be a trail of hard evidence, and several verifiable sources.

5. The powers that be must have treated them with disdain.

If a story passes these tests, then it is a runner. Once I have established the facts, I share with the relevant powers that be and give them an opportunity to comment. I will normally allow 24 hours for some sort of response,before publishing what I have to say. Generally, when Richard Cornelius was the Leader, he'd send a polite reply. I'd ask whether this was attributable or not and act accordingly. 

When Dan Thomas took over, this stopped, there would simply not be a response. This has more or less continued, although now under Labour, even the councillors seem to be under a three line whip to ignore me. Now all of this is fine. But what isn't fine. No reason why anyone should email a blogger, but what isn't fine is when ordinary people in Barnet, some of whom are vulnerable are not being served properly by those elected to look after them or paid to ensure that their quality of life is not degraded by porr management.  I have asked the people who 'are important' for a response in this matter. Lets see if they can be bothered to give one or whether they will simply try and brazen it out. I had hoped that the words 'Capita' would disappear from this blog. Seemingly not

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