Monday 7 September 2015

Summer is dying, roll on the Autumn colours.

The seasons are changing, as the evenings draw in, we detect a chill in the air. I am blessed to have a house with a beautiful garden. I claim none of the credit for this. My good friend Pat looks after the garden for me. I think he does a rather good job! I think it is a tragedy that our planners no longer see a garden as essential for families with children. Anyway I thought I'd share a few of the highlights of my garden with you. I spend many hours here chilling out and enjoying the sound of the M1 and the Thameslink railway at the bottom of the garden.

There is so much beauty on our doorstep, make sure you don't miss it, walking past with your eyes fixed firmly on your latest tweets and texts. I was a tad disappointed that some local curmudgeons objected to a story in the local paper about a beautiful rainbow spied over Mill Hill last week. I happen to believe that if God is good enough to put all this natural beauty before our eyes, then it is downright rude and bad manners not to appreciate it. I've spent my life appreciating beauty and the fine things on our wonderful planet. I believe these are gifts to be shared and I truly feel very sad for anyone who doesn't understand that. So here is a little tour of my back garden!

As you emerge from our patio doors, you are met by this beautiful fuschia bush. This time of year, it attracks all manner of wasps and bees. My wife would happily chop it down for this reason, but I love the colours.

We also have a fine show of colour in this pot!  I've always loved snapdragons and carnations. I'm not quite sure where the love of carnations came from, maybe just the gloopy tinned cream we used to have on our pears!

Our copper beach tree is looking rather magnificent. The hawthorn is covered in berries. Does this mean a hrsh winter?

Our runner beans are still doing pretty well. Had some in the soup I made for lunch. Very yummie!

We have a fine crop of pears. Anyone got any good recepies for pears?

But the plums are long gone!

And our wildlife pond needs a bit of TLC. Lots of frogs, newts tadpoles and sticklebacks though!

Hope you enjoyed that. If you didn't, you really need to lift the cloud from your mind.

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