Saturday 6 August 2016

The first weekend of every month, there is a collection for Colindale Foodbank in Mill Hill. The Sacred Heart RC Church on the Broadway is the designated collection point. You can just drop a bag of provisions into the narthex (lobby area by doors) or leave it at the Presbertery. The church is the Mill Hill collection point. For many local families, this is a vital contribution to the household.Find out more about the foodbank - - which has done fantastic work distributing food to the most needy people in Barnet. This has been supported by people all across the Borough.
Foodbank dates
Next foodbank dates August 6th & 7th and September 3rd and 4th.
The following items are needed. 
UHT Milk or powdered
Fruit Juice (long life carton)
Sponge Pudding (tinned)
Tomatoes (tinned)
Rice pudding (tinned)
Instant Mash potatoes
Tinned meat and fish
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned fruit
Biscuits or snack bars
There is also a need for toiletries and babies nappies size 3, 4 and 5
Currently they do not need pasta or teabags.

It is a sad fact of life that we need such collections in 2016. Please pop a few provisions in a bag and help a few local families. The provisions are collected and dropped off on a Monday morning and distributed. If you know of any other collection points in the Borough, please post a comment. 

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