Thursday, 20 February 2025

The deeply unpleasant truth about the UK today

Donald Trump is teaching the UK a very harsh lesson, before our eyes. You can’t outsource security. We have relied on the comfort blanket that is the USA since 1945 to guarantee our security. Trump has told the truth, even if you don't like it, that the US taxpayer has paid to keep us safe. Now we are reaping the harvet we've sown. The trouble with democracy is that you sometimes get a result you don't like. When that result is in a foreign country and you suddenly find the carpet pulled out from under you, it is only your own fault. Britain used to have an independent nuclear deterrent, we had our own capability for launching ballistic missiles (blue streak), we had the best fighter project in the world (TSR2), we even had our own capability to launch spy satellites. We gave them all up and bought cheaper versions from the USA that we didn't control.  Successive governments both right and left have run down everything so things just about work most of the time. Railways, water, energy, schools, hospitals the lot. All are on the edge. The tragedy is that in all areas we used to lead the world. Until a party steps up, calls it out and tells the truth about how they can fix it, we’re fucked. At my bands gig on Sunday, I gave a tirade between songs and said that if you want to stay sane, turn off the news and listen to music. The news is all complete bollocks these days. The fundamental truth Is the rivers are full of shit and if we got an exceptionally cold winter our power network might collapse. If you get hit by a car, there may not be a bed in A&E and God help you if your landlord learns he can get more cash if he slings you out. If you get robbed, beaten up or scammed, don't expect the perpetrator to get nicked. All you might get is a crime number for your insurance. The bonkers right claim we live in a Police state, but how can you have a Police State with no police?

But look on the bright side. You pay a bit less tax than you would've if we'd had a country that is safe, secure and worked properly.   Take your prozac and enjoy this lovely track. It is the only solace you will have, if you open your eyes to the truth about the UK. And if you seriously believe Reform UK are the answer, ask them how much they will put up taxes. If they say they won't, you will know that they are as useless as the rest of them and are a bunch of conmen and conwomen. 

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