Last week, it was announced that Barnet Council were receiving a big fat £55 million baleout from central government to plug the holes in their finances. It may surprise you to learn that Barnet Unison union came up with a plan to slash costs. Here are the key cost saving measures that they have identified.
• Reduce Executive Directors by deleting the following 3 Executive Director roles: Strategy and Innovation; Resources; Assurance and Public Protection.
• Delete the Deputy Chief Executive role
• Create one Executive Director role: Corporate Resources. All of the services covered by the deleted Executive Director roles transfer to the newly created Corporate Services Directorate with the exception of Public Protection which should be transferred back into the Environment Directorate as it was before the TUPE transfer to Capita in 2013.
• Greenspaces should be moved from Communities, Adults & Health back into Environment.
• The Assistant Director (AD) role for Greenspaces and Leisure should become the A.D for Libraries and Leisure.
• The Senior Management Team (SMT) restructure should incorporate all Heads of Service and Assistant Heads of Services levels of management in order to ensure greater equity in terms of numbers of staff managed by individual managers.
• The Senior Management Teams (SMT) of The Barnet Group (TBG) and Barnet Education and Learning Service (BELS) are to be included in this restructure to deliver savings, avoid redundancies and making cuts to services.
• For transparency and accountability Barnet Council should instruct BELS and TBG to publish all salaries over £50K as per the Localism Act 2011 – Openness and accountability in local pay.
• Save £7.299 million annually by insourcing services thus avoiding the increase in national insurance which has been imposed on the private sector by the Labour Government.
• Impose financial penalties on Capita for underperforming of the collection of Council Tax and Business rates.
• Conduct an urgent review of the back-office services of TBG and BELS.
• Use economies of scale to help deal with the increased wage bill
• Barnet Homes, part of TBG, should be brought back into the Council.
• The Housing Service should be merged with the Directorate of Growth to become the Housing & Growth Directorate.
This, to me, looks like some serious cost cutting that Elon Musk would be proud of! The slashing of highly expensive and completely unnesscary management roles and boards seems like a very sensible idea. It also improves transparancy, seeing where taxpayers money is being waste on fat salaries.
The best way to beat your opponents is not to ignore their good ideas. It is to nick the good ideas and make them better. Barnet lead the way in the UK for citizens holding the council to account. We have replaced an inept Tory council with an inept Labour council. You may be tempted to vote Reform. Well, personally I wouldn't bother. They have one councillor in Barnet, who defected from the Tories. Brian Coleman reported "He has an appalling reputation in Barnet . In May he stood for Group Leader and was roundly defeated by his colleagues who recognised that he is known for his lazyness"
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Sury Khatri campaigniong for the Tories |
Sadly, the UK is unlikely to have a DOGE style authority any time soon. Whatever I think of Musk, the fact that we've got completely inept councils run by people who are useless is something that his approach may sort out. I'd have no problem paying higher salaries to the best people to sort Barnet Council out. Sadly we have a bunch of stuffed shirts who's primary concern is their own wallet. That is why we have litter filled pavements and potholed roads. Every year tax goes up and the Borough deteriorates. I quite like Elon Musk's idea of getting Federal Staff to justify their employment. People like me, who run small businesses don't carry passengers. I see no reason why the taxpayer should. In Barnet, whenever their is cost cutting it is the people who do the work who suffer, whilst the bosses simply put up their own wages. I'd reward the people who do the work, get the fat cats on high salaries to justify their wages and get people who understood what they were doing to run the place. I'd also cut the number of councillors by 1/3rd. In Mill Hill, we have three councillors, one of whom doesn't bother attending. He gets paid £11,000 for the privelidge - Members allowances paid 2023 to 2024 (ODT, 22 KB) -You are paying that. Has anyone in Mill Hill actually noticed his lack of work? Barnet does not need 63 councillors. Council Leader Barry Rawlings said of the bale out "The pressure on our finances has never been greater. As a council, we face an unprecedented crisis in financing our services, driven by a perfect storm of a decade of funding cuts from central government, high interest rates making services more expensive to deliver, and ever-increasing demand for complex and costly services we have a legal duty to provide, such as adults’ and children’s social care and temporary accommodation." -
Cutting 21 councillors would save nearly a quarter of a million quid a year. It may be a small amount in the budget, but it would be there for other services that matter. It would also show that the political classes are willing to share the pain. But that will never happen without a DOGE style purge and that won't happen in the UK because no one has the balls to actually call out the waste. We have a culture of laziness in public sector management and political leadership. They are happy so long as someone else does the dirty jobs and their wallets bulge.
1 comment:
The Barnet Unison ideas ring true and seem like a positive response. This is all a mess in Barnet and feels like it is getting worse.
It does feel like the mixed messages of council are quite worrying for residents.
As a side note - it does make me laugh that councillors oppose fly tipping but put up a plaque celebrating someone for fly tipping and have their pic taken with it. (The Muriel Matters plaque in BXWest Station). Not opposed to celebrating the suffragette movement but this was probably not the best example to highlight and shows the lack of thought by councillors
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