Friday 5 December 2008

Mike Freer could learn a lesson from Boris !!!!!

Anyone who knows me or has followed my blogs and comments in the local press will know that I'm not a fan of Boris Johnson. I was asked by a friend why I've said nothing about Boris Johnson's atrocious decision to abolish the western zone of the congestion charge. The reason is quite simple. Boris won the mayoral election. Part of his manifesto was to hold a public consultation into the Western Congestion charge zone. He did this and the result was to abolish the scheme. Democracy means that if your opponents have a democratic mandate and do things properly, you have to accept it.

I don't agree with Boris, but I believe in democracy. I believe in open government. If sometimes it gives me an answer I disagree with then that's life. I'll criticise Boris when he does silly things, but carrying out a manifesto pledge in the manner he did is democratic and honest. Mike Freer wasn't leader when the Tories were elected in Barnet. He staged a palace coup against Brian Salinger shortly after the election, where Salinger increased the Tory majority. Future shape is the biggest change in the history of Barnet Council. It was not in the manifesto. There is no democratic mandate. A small fortune is being spent on consultants. The team of contributors listed on the council report contains only council officials, members of Government quangos and suppliers of outsourcing companies. Amongst those not contributing - Local business, local charities, locally democratically elected representatives, local residents associations. The report was issued a day before the deadline for questions to the cabinet. I had several questions, but by the time I'd read the report, the deadline had passed. Even Councillor Andrew Harper stated that he was worried about the democratic scrutiny aspect. I agree wholeheartedly with Councillor Harper on this.


Unknown said...

So you dislike Boris for doing exactly what he said he would do! Quality socialism at its best!

Anonymous said...

Boris didn't stab his Leader in the chest to get his job. He had the balls to put himself to a vote of all Londoners. Mike Freer has that option, he chooses not to take it.