Tuesday 3 May 2011

Barnet Council : Metpro Scandal - FOI response

Was forwarded this response today from a reader of the blog who asked if Barnet monitor the financial status of suppliers. Given that Metpro Rapid Response Ltd went bust and the council only found out when bloggers alerted them, it doesn't bode well for the Future Shape/OneBarnet/BarnetTrack project where the whole council will be outsourced, does it?  Another reason why Nick Walkley needs to call an independent inquiry
From: Olagbaju, Ade
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 1:20 PM
To: ***** **********
Subject: FW: Monitoring suppliers financial strength

Dear Mr. Dishman,

Please accept my apology for not respondig to your enquiry sooner.
Further to your enquiry about Barnet's monitoring system, the Council has a system for monitoring suppliers' financial strength which involves the use of Experian reports and detailed financial assessments where appropriate.

I hope this answers your query; please let me know if it does not.


Ade Olagbaju
Finance Manager Strategic Projects

1 comment:

Mrs Angry said...

So, translated from One Barnet speak we know yes, there was a system but we just didn't bother to use it.
Marvellous. Your money: safe in these eejits' hands?