Man makes plans and God laughs! That is the old adage, but hey ho, as field Marshall Montgomery once said, a bad plan is better than no plan at all. As I am rather good at making bad plans, there is some solace in this! Every year, I set myself objectives for my business, my band, my health and my fun. This year, if I had a filofax (if you are a millenial, you may wish to Google that, or even ChatGPT it), it would be pretty empty! So I've spent the last two days with my ink pot, my quill pen and a sheet of parchement working out what needs doing. So here is my list
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2. Songwriting. Having released "A finger in the Sun" last year, we are working on our next album. Last years album was very much, for me tying up a lot of loose ends. It was a selection of Dots songs from the very start of the band, up to when Tom Hammond joined the band on trumpet in late 2023. Only one of the songs featured Tom playing. our single "We all love a party". I wrote it before Tom joined and the trumpet parts were pretty much bolted on. Now Tom is properly integrated into the band, he's making a much fuller contribution to the process, I think we are writing songs that are very strong. We have provisionally titled the new album Groovetown and I hope to release it in November. We have four songs that are just about ready to record. I only need to write six more! As I enjoy songwriting, this is not a chore. The recording will mean less time for gigs, which is a reason for not setting a target.
3. Finish studio refurbishments. The pandemic nearly wiped out our Mill Hill Music Complex business. We had to batten down the hatches, stop all investment and cut maintenance to the absolute minimum. Last year, 2024 was the first year since 2019 that we made any sort of operating profit (less than 2% of our turnover, in 2019 it was 20%). This will be totally wiped out by the governments changes to business rates rises and NI rules. We've had to raise prices simply to tread water. In 2023/4 we have been doing a lot of modest refurbishments of studios and renewing of clapped out equipment as finances allow. We are starting to see the benefits of this. We have two studios left which need some TLC. These are studio six and studio four. They are older rooms. Ideally, we will repaint them, renew the flooring and in studio six add some natural light. The studio had severe damp problems, which we hopefully have rectified. That makes the refurbishment feasable. As for studio four, this is the worst condition property. It will be a tougher nut to crack as it is an old industrial unit with a leaky roof. But if we can sort it out, then we will resolve the one recurrant gripe that we get on google reviews (well there is the parking, but we can't really help that in London, unless we start charging and that will be even less popular!).
4. Sort out our studio retail business. The studio was the first UK music retailer to have an online presence, before it was fashionable. In 2004, we turned over nearly £250,000 mostly through selling on line on Ebay. We sold everything in auctions, starting at £1. The natural process of bidding meant we got great results and it generated huge interest in the shop. Then Ebay brought in 'Buy it now' and killed our model. We more or less stepped away from online retailing and our retail business has shrank every year since. I had more or less given up on it as anything other than a nice to have. However, we redesigned our website last year and our turnover went up significantly on the retail side. I have come to the conclusion that we actually have a decent niche business, if we can develop it properly. We do not want to become a bulk shifter of boxes, but there is a call for local music shops that give good, specialist advice. The problem is you spend hours helping people then the greedy b@ggers simply go home and buy it on line. They then turn up six weeks later asking for help when they realise their guitar isn't properly set up. We charge them to do it and they end up spending twice what they saved. It is always a joy seeing their faces when they realise that their greedy ways have cost them. If we get it right, I believe we could double our turnover this year on retail.
5. Make some money from the music of The False Dots. I've never been motivated by money when it comes to making music. I do it for the love of the music. I have always wanted to avoid making compromises in music. However, a couple of people have suggested that we could make some cash if we marketed it in the right way. I've told Mrs T that this year I'll make some serious money from it and I'll take her on a good holiday with the spoils. How? Well if I told you, you'd nick the idea!
6. Sort out my weight. Until now, all of the plans have been for music and business. Now we are on to personal goals and objectives. My weight is the biggest problem in my life right now. I weighed myself yesterday and following the Xmas and New Year excesses, I am 17 stone and 2 pounds. This is too heavy. I was also showing as pre-diabetic in a blood test in November. I rather stupidly decided to put off the surgeries request to go to the diabetic clinic. In November I was actually 17st 13lbs. I started doing a 20+4 diet three days a week and it dropped a stone. Sadly Xmas derailed it, but I am back on track now. I will go in the second week of January and we'll see what happens then,. My target is 14st 7lbs in April. I believe this is achievable
7. Meet my gym targets. My weight has caused problems with my ankles and knees. I believe that if I can get down to 14st 7lbs, I'll be able to run again without pain. If this works, I might even start playing five a side football again. A pipedream maybe, but I am pretty convinced that I can at least get back to running. Last year, I set a gym target of doing more than 1,000km in the gym. I beat this by 80km, with a mixture of exercise bike and rowing. This was almost derailed when I damaged my shoulder in July last year, I couldn't row for nearly two months. This year my target is 1,500km. That will be 400km rowing, 1000km cycling and 100km running. The running will most likely start in April or May. I hope to start doing 5km a week then.
8. Finish my book and get it published. It is more or less done. I just need to get some pictures and tout it around. My target will most likely be to coincide it with the album launch in November. It has been difficult for me to write. It has stirred up a lot of old resentments in my brain. I am not quite sure whether I can put everything I want to in it. I've given it to a couple of friends for feedback and they tell me it is very harsh on some people. Can you be too homest.
9. Be nicer to Clare. I have a confession. I take my missus for granted and don't show her enough appreciation. Whilst I am 100% sure we love each other, I often wonder if we actually like each other. She finds many aspects of my behaviour deeply annoying, including the way I speak, the amount I drink, my complete lack of effort tidying up the house, my refusal to engage with rubbish on TV like Strictly that she likes whilst obsessively watching football, that she doesn't like. I think that in her mind, I am someone else completely different, who speaks, dresses and behaves differently. That is until there is a crisis, when she realises that having someone who is not afraid of anything (apart from snakes) is a good thing. I am not one for making promises I can't keep, but I am trying to figure out how to be nicer without addressing her major beefs as listed above.
10. To make The Barnet Eye blog better. When I did my roundup of the years blogs at the end of December, I realised that whilst there are some rather good blogs in there, I reading the blog was rather irritating. When I started the blog, I thought that it added a look of legitimacy. Google have sought to maximise their revenue from ads and I realised that they were actually putting ads in the middle of the content and even when you first arrived, you were getting advert before you could see the blog. I realised that this was not only intrusive, but very annoying. If it was someone else's blog I wouldn't read it. I was getting about £50 a year, it simply wasn't worth the effort. When I first used the google ad service, it put an ad at the top and an ad in the sidebar. It wasn't intrusive. Like all social media companies, they have got too greedy. So the ads had to go.
And I'll finsh this blog with a favour to you. I've removed the adverts, so your experience can be better. I never really needed the money. We'd go for a curry when we got the payments, and raise a glass to you the readers. Now I don't want you to pay for my curry, but there is something important you could do if you want to show your appreciation. The drummer in my band, Graham Ramsey lost his son Daniel to suicide in 2021. Daniel left two young children. Daniel was 28 years old. Graham has set up a go fund me page to raise the money to put up a memorial stone for Daniel, so that his children can have somewhere to pay their respects. Graham has had his own mental health challenges over the years, nopt least coping with the tragic passing of Daniel. It happened during covid. Graham had covid on the day the police broke into his flat and found Daniels body. Graham had to wait to identify it. Can you imaging that? One of the reasons the False Dots have been so active since, has been to give Graham a postive focus in life. If you appreciate this blog and put any value at all on the efforts of artists, please make a donation, however small. Lets face it, most people reading this happily spend a pound or two on a tea or coffee every day - The link is here Please give something.
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